Can you do level 6 SNA without level 5 SNA?
In most circumstances, you need to have successfully completed a QQI Level 5 SNA course before advancing to a level 6. Although, learners do have the option to apply via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) if they think they have applicable work/life experience. This is determined differently per application. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process of valuation which may allow learners to gain formal acknowledgement of former knowledge, skills, and competence that they already have gained.

Prior evidence may be necessary if the learners experience is certified or experiential. Evidence of prior learning may suffice, alternatively a self-assessment exercise where the learner may be obliged to give a portfolio or appropriate evidence of learning.
Previous studies may be recognised as accredited learning, non-accredited learning, informal or experiential learning. Accredited learning is usually conducted in a formal setting and a qualification Accredited learning takes place in a formal learning setting and a qualification has been granted. This may be a topic or an element of a course you have completed. Non-accredited learning consists of intentional learning, but no qualification was given consequently such as work experience or education courses. For example, education that was tested but not included in the NFQ, e.g. professional certification programmes. Lastly, informal, or experiential learning is upskilling through life and work experiences. This type of learning is unintended, and the learner may not have realised that this contributed to his or her knowledge, skills and competence: More information can be accessed in the learners handbook: here.
If you would like to complete the QQI Level 6 SNA course and you think you may fulfil the above standards to fast track, we would recommend that you get in touch with our admissions team:, or you can call an educational consultant at (01) 685 5300. They will happily support you with the provision of information and guidance on next steps.