
Accreditation – Awarding Bodies

Chevron College delivers its employment services in conjunction with the following educational establishments and awarding bodies to ensure that our learners receive highly recognised and valued qualifications to help further their career.

The QQI’s mission is to make quality assured awards in accordance with national standards within the national framework, creating opportunities for all learners in further education and training to have their achievements recognised, and providing access to systematic progression pathways.

Chevron College became QQI accredited in 2007. QQI awards are placed within the National Framework of Qualifications. This framework includes further and higher education and training awards. This will greatly extend opportunities for access, transfer and progression for all learners. There are 10 levels on the national framework, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. QQI offers programmes at levels 1 through to 6.

QQI offers Major and Minor awards. Major awards are made up of a number of specified (8 or more) minor awards commonly known as component certificates or modules.

Each module can be taken separately or as part of an overall programme incorporating all the required modules for a major award. Learners receive a component certificate for each module they successfully complete. When a learner has successfully completed the required component certificates for a major award they automatically become eligible for the overall certificate.

Single Module Award

Certification of a single module (minor award) is only available upon successful completion of the module.

Multi-module Award

Certification of multiple module registrations (for example, 3 minor awards) is issued upon successful completion of all modules registered for. If a learner does not wish to continue with their studies, learners will be certified for any modules which they have successfully completed prior to exiting the programme.

Major Award

Certification of a major award registration is issued upon successful completion of all modules. If a learner does not wish to continue with their studies, learners will be certified for any modules which they have successfully completed prior to exiting the programme.

Exiting the Programme

If a learner decides to exit the programme at any stage, they must request and complete an Early Leaver Form. Requests for Early Leaver Forms can be made by emailing

The Common Awards System a coherent and structured award system, which is consistent with the National Framework of Qualifications. It is outcomes Accreditationbased. All awards will share common characteristics including:

  • a common format. Awards Specifications make it easy to see the requirements and the standards for each award
  • explicit reference to the award types and level indicators of the National Framework of Qualifications
  • breadth and balance within the structure so that learners achieve specific expertise alongside general knowledge, skill and competence in line with the National Skills Strategy
  • a focus on outcomes of learning – what learners will be able to do on achievement of the award. Standards
    of knowledge, skill and competence are expressed as learning outcomes, facilitating flexibility for providers and programmes
  • a credit system, reflecting the typical amount of learning required, which enables learners to accumulate recognition over time
  • a clear relationship with other QQI awards to help plan access, transfer and progression
  • a unique six digit code, signalling the level and award type

There are four types of Common Award – majorminorspecial purpose and supplemental. Award types are an important feature of the National Framework of Qualifications. A major award reflects a significant volume of learning. It is the principal class of award within the Framework. Special purpose awards recognise specific relatively narrow ranges of learning, typically required for particular jobs. Supplemental awards recognise learning which up-skills or updates previous achievement, again typically in an employment context. All these awards are made up of one or more minor awards.

Minor awards recognise small volumes of learning that are coherent and relevant in their own right, but also link to one of these award types. Minor awards are the building blocks for QQI awards. Minor awards are also known as components.

The requirements of common awards are outlined in award specifications. Specifications outline:

  • how an award is structured
  • the purpose of an award
  • the learning outcomes for the award and
  • the appropriate assessment techniques

Award specifications will be available for all major, minor, supplemental and special purpose common awards.

  • certificate specifications, special purpose specifications and supplemental specifications set out the requirements for awards, including the named minor awards
  • component specifications set out the requirements for a minor award

Any programme leading to a common award must be validated by QQI, prior to commencement of the programme. Only registered providers, who have agreed quality assurance systems with QQI may submit programmes for validation. 

  • common awards each have a credit value. Major, special purpose and supplemental awards each state the overall volume of credit that is required; credit is accumulated through the achievement of minor awards
  • credits reflect the amount of learning that is required, based on a notional learning time for typical learners relevant to each level. Notional time includes directed, self-directed learning and effort. One Credit reflects a notional 10 hours of learner effort. Credits are consistently applied at each level. This assists the practical planning and management of programmes
  • credits can be accumulated over time, through the achievement of minor awards. The Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CATS) creates new opportunities for learners to make all their achievements count more easily across the growing range of transfer and progression opportunities. Providers will be able to improve access arrangements to programmes because for the first time, all further education and training providers in Ireland will use a common credit system to describe achievement
  • the Common Awards System is also compatible with ECVET. ECVET is a European initiative promoting mobility for learners, using credit as a common currency. It makes learning achieved abroad count in Ireland, and our achievements more easily understood in other countries
  • any CAS major award at level 5 or 6 can be used as a basis for progression to higher education through the Central Applications Office (CAO) on the basis of a consistent scoring mechanism.

In compliance with Section 43 of the Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999, where Chevron College offers training programmes of 3 months duration or more, Learner Protection arrangements have been put in place with two other QQI Registered Training Providers, should Chevron College cease to provide QQI programmes before learners have completed awards.

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