lego serious play

What is LEGO® Serious Play?

The LEGO® Serious Play method is a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving process in which participants are led through a series of questions, probing deeper into the subject. Each participant builds his or her own 3D LEGO® model in response to the facilitator’s questions using specially selected LEGO® elements. These 3D models serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem-solving and decision making.

lego serious play

Why companies uses LEGO® Serious Play?

  • Increase Communication among employees and teams

  • Health and Wellbeing Strategy

  • Organisational Culture

  • Talent Management

  • Enhance Productivity

  • New member integration in the team

What are the benefits of LEGO® Serious Play?

  • Tap into Hidden Expertise in your Organisation

  • Create Shared Understanding

  • Strategic Decision Making

  • 100% Engagement from all the Participants

  • Explore and Understand Effects of Each Decision

  • Clarifies Complexity

  • Gives Fresh Perspective

  • Fosters Creative Thinking

  • Saves Time

Certified LEGO® Serious Play Facilitator

Karl Fitzpatrick is a certified professional who has completed a comprehensive training programme, delivered by the Association of Master Trainers, on the LEGO® Serious Play method. The programme teaches the core process, the application techniques, supporting theories, along with design customised workshops using the method. Upon completion of this program, the facilitator can design and facilitate workshop with the LEGO® Serious Play method.

Some of the companies that have used LEGO® Serious Play?

Google, Samsung, Virgin Atlantic, IKEA.

lego serious paly

For more details please visit Bricks 4 Biz or contact Peter Clark on or 01 485 1166.

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