BSc (Hons) in
Health Promotion and Public Health
Subject to validation

Key Facts

Start Date:




Awarding Body:



Honours Bachelor Degree


1 year full-time

Credit value:

60 credits

Enrolment Deadline: 31st of August 2023

Why choose our BSc (Hons) in Health Promotion & Public Health degree?

Our add-on degree, BSc (Hons) in Health Promotion & Public Health,  curriculum is designed especially for level 7 graduates who are motivated to advance their careers in the community, education, or health sectors. Our add on degree is designed to develop your competency profile so you will stand out to employers. Health promotion and public health knowledge is constantly evolving; thus, we make sure that our curriculum is current with the most recent evidence-based techniques and practices. By enrolling in our programme, you will have the chance to advance your knowledge, understanding and specific competencies in health promotion and public health through the completion of practical and creative work while receiving assistance from lecturers and technical personnel. 

How it works

Students log in to Chevron College’s Virtual Learning Environment and engage with weekly study resources at times that suit their own schedule. There are fortnightly live webinars which most students find really useful. These are recorded if students cannot attend the webinar recordings are accessible online after the live sessions. Timely feedback is provided on assessments to support students learning. Our schedule of assessments across modules is carefully designed to ensure assessments are evenly spaced out across the semester.  

Learner supports and help

  • If students are struggling to understand weekly content they can post a question to the support forum and their tutor will post a response to their query. Tutors also have three two-hour Open Zoom meetings each week so students can pop in to have a chat about module content if they so wish.
  • The Studies Advisor is available to support students throughout the semester to support with academic writing and referencing skills and to support students to develop a realistic study schedule for each module.

Course Summary

Chevron College’s BSc (Hons) in Health Promotion & Public Health add-on degree will develop your health promotion practitioner competency profile to propel your career progression in community, education or health sectors. Enrolling in this programme will equip you with the knowledge and competencies needed to: 

  • lead groups and specialist group interventions in an appropriate and effective manner   
  • plan, carry out, and assess health promotion and awareness campaigns   
  • deliver concise health messages to a range of audiences 
  • understand and apply epidemiological health-related data and research  
  • take part in creative practical projects in the local community   
  • interact with various population groups in various setting  
  • critically evaluate literature and research  
  • critically reflect on your practise to establish professional growth strategies  
  • analyse public health policy  
  • create public health policies  
  • generate health resources for specific target populations
BSc (Hons) Health Promotion & Public Health

Course content

  • Competency Development for Health Promotion (5 Credits)  
  • Applied Epidemiology and Statistics in Public Health (10 Credits)  
  • Group Facilitation Skills (5 credits) 
  • The Settings Approach to Health Promotion (5 Credits)  
  • Health Promotion: Health Topics and Specific Population Groups (10 Credits)
  • Project Planning and Management for Public Health Practice (5 Credits) 
  • Qualitative Research Approaches and Methodologies for Public Health and Health Promotion (5 Credits)  
  • Global and Environmental Issues in Public Health (5 Credits)  
  • Work placement (10 credits)

Qualification gained

  • BSc Hons Health Promotion and Public Health

Exit awards:

  • Certificate of Higher Education (120 Credits) (Year 1)
  • Diploma of Higher Education (240 Credits)  (Year 2)
  • Ordinary Degree in Health and Social Care (300 Credits) (60 Credits from Year 3)

Entry requirements

Applicants with a level 7 qualification in a cognate area are eligible to apply.  

To pass the BSc (Hons) in Health Promotion & Public Health programme a minimum of 75% engagement across all modules is required . 

Career opportunities

  • Youth/Schools Health Promotion Officer  
  • Drug and Alcohol Education Worker  
  • Community Development Worker  
  • Health Promotion Officer for People with Disabilities  
  • Health Promotion Officer in Voluntary and Community Organisations  
  • Research Officer 

Teaching and learning strategy

All students entering the BSc (Hons) in Health Promotion & Public Health degree programme complete an intensive induction process. This induction prepares the novice learner to transition successfully to study in an online Higher Education environment. Our tailored induction process is comprised of a 1:1 induction meeting and skills session with their personal Studies Advisor. This 1:1 induction session will teach the student how to access our virtual learning environment and how to use zoom. These sessions are tailored to meet the needs of individual students. At Chevron College we are aware that IT skills vary between students. These sessions are therefore designed to meet each student at their own level. By the end of this 1:1 session each student will have learned how to access our VLE and online zoom meetings. All students will therefore have developed the skills to participate in the intensive 4 day class induction sessions.

The four induction sessions for the class group take place during the month prior to course commencement. At these sessions, students will be introduced to their course tutors and their class community. These sessions will teach students the skills required to succeed in an online Higher Education environment where continuous active engagement with resources and formative assessments is required. Students will learn academic writing and presentation skills. They will learn critical reading writing and thinking skills and they will learn how to conduct literature searches. These sessions teach the students the foundational thinking and IT skills required to participate in our blended learning degree programme.

Each semester runs for 12 weeks; students study 2 modules each semester. Students should allocate a minimum of 10 hours per week for each module.The weekly module content is released on the Virtual Learning Environment on a Monday morning at 6am. Each week there is a recorded lecture, a workshop/webinar and an Educational Action to complete for each module.

The lectures function to provide a content overview of the week’s learning and establish the expected aims and learning outcomes as well as the criteria for measuring their achievement. During the lecture key concepts, ideas and theories are introduced and contextualised. This reinforces the relevance of the material for the students with the use of examples

The workshops and webinars function to support students to investigate, question and develop critical thinking skills about the weekly topics. Students are supported to take part in active discovery within their class community. This supports students to develop their Higher Order Thinking Skills and to apply these ways of thinking and practicing to Case Studies, Problem Solving Scenarios and Ethical Dilemmas. The skills required to perform educational actions for example writing skills, analysis, using info-graphics, evaluation of a source etc are also scaffolded during the workshops/webinars.

Each week students are required to complete an educational action. This provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. If they take part students are provided with feedback and feedforward on performance on the Learning Outcomes and expectations are clarified for demonstrating achievement in the final module assessment.



  • Finance options also available from humm (Ts&Cs apply)

How to enrol?

Enrolment and payment are completed over the phone. To secure your place, please complete Click Enrol in the following chat:

If you are interested in this course please fill out the following expression of interest form:

Expression of interest Health Promotion

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