QQI Level 5 ELC Programme Online
This Level 5 Certificate is designed with Early Years Educators, and the children they will engage with in mind. The aim of the programme is to enable learners to develop the knowledge, skills, and competence to work as an Early Years Educator, promoting and supporting the holistic needs of children from 0 to six years within the Early Learning and Care environment.
This programme leads to a Certificate in Early Learning and Care at NFQ level 5. This programme is designed to meet the QQI professional award standards for Early Learning and Care at NFQ level 5.
The programme comprises of 6 mandatory modules, enabling the learner to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies required to work independently and as part of a team, to provide a quality Early Learning and Care environment.
The focus is on promoting the holistic wellbeing, development and learning of children from 0 to six years across a range of Early Learning and Care settings. The programme offers a balance of theory and practice, and professional practice placement is integral to the teaching and learning. Learners who successfully complete the programme will have opportunities to progress into the workplace or into further and higher education.

Course Modules:
- Introduction to ELC and Child Safeguarding
- Holistic Care of Children in ELC
- Professional Practice
- Inclusive Education and the care of Children with Additional Needs
- Early Learning and Play
- Child Development
Work Experience:
In order to successfully complete the programme, you will be required to spend 150 hours, in two early learning and care settings, divided as follows:
- You must spend a minimum of 50 hours working with children between the ages of 0 – 2.8 years.
- You must spend a minimum of 50 hours working with children between the ages of 2.8 – 6 years.
- You can spend the remaining 50 hours working with children across both age groups, however you must spend a minimum of 30 hours in the second service.
Please note: If your service does not cater to children between the ages of 0 – 2.8 years, then you must spend a minimum of 50 hours in the second service.
Expression of interest form:
If you are interested in this course please fill in the from below: