Subject to validation
BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy

Key Facts

Proposed Start Date:

September 2025


Blended Learning


3 Years


BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy

Course Cost:

€14,995 per academic year

Enrolment Deadline: 31st of August 2023

BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (Blended Learning)

Chevron College is currently accepting Expressions of Interest for our new 3-year Undergraduate Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Physiotherapy Degree course, which is being delivered in partnership with the University of East London (subject to validation).  

Ireland has been experiencing a shortage of physiotherapists in recent years. The HSE and the private sector struggle to fill Physiotherapy roles, while professional bodies have been actively lobbying for more college places and international recruitment. With an ageing population, rising prevalence of chronic illnesses. and a greater demand for rehabilitation and community care services, the shortage of physiotherapists is due to increase even further.

As a leading provider of Healthcare education, Chevron College is ready to take an active role in addressing this challenge and has a vision to educate highly-skilled Physiotherapists who will consistently provide critically-appraised, evidence-informed, and compassionate care to patients in diverse health environments.  

 This course will:

  • Provide a high standard of evidence-based teaching to maximise clinical reasoning and critical thinking to prepare students for their physiotherapy career.  
  • Immerse students in practical workshops in our custom designed Physiotherapy Training Centre in Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15FP90. 
  • Include 1000 clinical hours of placement required to qualify as a registered physiotherapist in the UK and Ireland 
  • Enable graduates to apply for registration with Professional Regulatory Bodies

Course Cost:

The course cost is €14,995 per academic year and is required to be paid annually in-advance for the three year duration of the course. Many students will access student loans from their local Credit Union or Bank.

How will this programme be delivered?

Chevron College will provide this BSc. Physiotherapy through blended Learning, which in this instance refers to a combination of face-to-face practical classes, workshops, online lectures and tutorials, as appropriate to the teaching material. 

Blended Learning Delivery will use a combination of:

  • Online lectures to introduce new topic areas and theory, examine available evidence, and explore and integration current concepts  
  • Practical sessions with small groups to develop the practical, analytical, and evaluation skills required for clinical practice 
  • Anatomy labs and workshops to explore the anatomical and biomechanical systems related of the human body 
  • Cardiorespiratory simulation workshops will allow experiential learning, with feedback ongoing through all teaching sessions. 
  • Tutorials to facilitate review and discussion of critical topics, and develop of clinical reasoning related to patient case scenarios 
  • Independent learning; encouraging autonomy and self-directed learning.  Year 3 students are expected to take significant responsibility for their own learning. Students will be expected to access the evidence base supporting each topic under review to critically analyse their choice of treatments and skill development. 

The ratio of online-lectures to practical workshops will differ for particular modules, but there is a strong focus on hands-on, practical learning. Generally, when students are not on clinical placement, they will attend our custom designed Physiotherapy Training Centre at Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15FP90, on 2 days per week for practical workshops. Practical sessions will require students to model the role of a service user. Appropriate clothing must be worn, and some practical sessions will involve the touch and exposure of relevant body parts in a professional and respectful manner regardless of beliefs

Outside of clinical placement weeks, the remaining days will include lectures, tutorials, and independent learning to consolidate practical teaching. 

Tutor Support

You can contact your tutor by email, request a call back and for that extra peace of mind, obtain feedback on your assignments.

Course modules

Anatomy and Assessment Skills 1 Cardiovascular Physiotherapy Core Module Practice Based Learning 3 (Elective)
Introduction to Physiology Neurological Physiotherapy Core Module Complex Practice 1
Anatomy, Assessment and Treatment Skills – Upper Limb Research Methods Core Module Practice Based Learning 4
Physiotherapy Clinical Skills Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Core Module Research Governance and Leadership
Professional Practice (Mental Wealth) Practice Based Learning 2 Core Module Complex Practice 2
Introduction to Physiology 2 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Core Module Neuromusculoskeletal Assessment and Trauma
Practice Based Learning 1 Practice Based Learning 5

Course Summary

Each year, students will spend approximately 300 hours of timetabled learning and teaching activities. These will include lectures, workshops, seminars and individual and group tutorials. Contact hours may vary depending on each module. An approximate breakdown of hours is:

  • Year 1: scheduled teaching – 360 hours; guided independent study – 840 hours. 150 hours of clinical practice in term 2.
  • Year 2: scheduled teaching – 360 hours; guided independent study – 840 hours. 300 hours of clinical practice across the year.
  • Year 3: scheduled teaching – 120 hours; guided independent study – 270 hours. (Please note, terms 1 and 2 in level 6 are shortened to accommodate clinical placements). 600 hours of clinical practice across the year.

Who much can I earn as a Physiotherapist?

2025 HSE Physiotherapist salary ranges:

Basic Grade Physiotherapist €39,993 – €58,483                                             Senior Physiotherapist €60,999 – €71,993

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist €73,498 – €85,354                                     Managerial Roles €80,796 – €95,337+

Entry Requirements

This award is a level 6 on the UK National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and comparable to a level 8 on the Irish NFQ. Further information on comparability between Irish and UK awards can be obtained on  Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries Guide 

UK GCSE grades: 

  1. AS points from 3 A Levels Grades BBB 

*Irish Leaving Certificate equivalent: 

  1. Prior to 2017 
  • 4 Honours subjects at B1 or higher  
  • 3 A1 Honours with a fourth B2 Honours  
  1. 2017 and onwards 
  • 4 subjects at H2 or higher 
  • 3 H1 subjects with a fourth H2 subject  

Applicants holding an Irish Leaving Certificate Qualification can alternatively insert their results to to  calculate their UCAS Tariff Points.  

BTEC Extended National Diploma in Applied Science: DDM 

*Equivalent to Irish Level 6 or Level 7 Degrees, Diplomas, or Certificates in Applied Science. Note. There is no advanced standing (i.e. progression into Level 5 Physiotherapy at UEL) from any other course of study. Personal Training, massage therapy, and beauty therapy courses are not recognised as relevant academic study.  

Access to HE diploma 

* from “The Access to HE Diploma is regulated by QAA but is not part of the FHEQ or part of the OfS’s sector recognised standards.” 

In addition: 

GSCE English Grade 4/C or Level 2 Functional Skills in English 

*Irish Leaving Certificate equivalent is Grade C or higher in Ordinary Level (prior to 2017) or H6 or higher (2017 and onwards)  

GSCE English Grade 4/C or Level 2 Functional Skills in Mathematics 

*Irish Leaving Certificate equivalent is Grade C or higher in Ordinary Level (prior to 2017) or H6 or higher (2017 and onwards)  

Teaching and learning strategy

Assessment tasks are mainly spread across the year to make the workload manageable.

Assessment methods include group work, exams and individual work including essays, presentations, case studies, professional development and practical activities depending on the nature of the course. All grades count towards your module mark.

More details will be included in the student handbook and module guides. You will always receive detailed feedback outlining your strengths and how you can improve. We aim to provide feedback on assessments within 15 working days, although you will receive immediate feedback following many of our face-to-face assessments.


Programme costs

The programme fee is €14,995 per academic year and must be paid in full at time of enrolment and re-enrolment each year. Many students will avail of a student loan through their local Credit Union or Bank.

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