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What is a QQI Level 5 in Ireland?

What is a QQI Level 5 in Ireland?

What is a QQI Level 5 in Ireland? 150 150 Chevron College


QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications. QQI incorporates the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC); the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC); the Irish Universities Quality Board (IUQB) and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI).

The purpose of QQI is.


    1. Awarding and regulating qualifications: QQI is responsible for providing an extensive framework for all the qualifications in Ireland. QQI guarantees qualifications fulfil necessary standards and provides international established framework.
    2. Quality Assurance: In Ireland, all stages of education and training providers are developed and implemented with the assistance of QQI.
    3. Validation of education and training programs: QQI authenticates programs offered by education and training providers.
    4. Recognition of foreign qualifications: QQI offers advice and assessment services for individuals seeking to have international qualifications recognized.

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) Level 5 indicates a certain level of knowledge and skill in a particular subject area. It’s part of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), which encompasses all qualifications in Ireland and aligns them based on their complexity and learning outcomes. These qualifications can provide learners with a foundation in a specific area of study or prepare them for entry-level positions in different industries. Examples of some QQI Level 5 qualifications include healthcare support, business studies, IT, childcare, special needs assistant.

The QQI Level 5 highlights vocational skills and requires a high understanding of theory. Determinations for the Outline National Framework of Qualifications state “Learning outcomes at this level include a broad range of skills that require some theoretical understanding. The outcomes may relate to engaging in a specific activity, with the capacity to use the instruments and techniques relating to an occupation. They are associated with work being undertaken independently, subject to general direction”: Click here to read more.  


What is a QQI Level 5 in Ireland?


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