Generally, you need to have successfully completed a QQI Level 5 Childcare course before progressing to a Level 6. Technically there are no other acceptable qualifications to gain entry to the ELC. However, learners can apply through recognition of prior learning (RPL) if they feel they have relevant work / life experience. This is judged on a case-by-case basis.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process of valuation which may permit learners to gain official recognition for prior knowledge, skills and competence that they already have. The learner may have to give evidence of their previous learning if it is certified or experiential learning. Evidence of prior learning may be enough, or a self-assessment exercise where the learner may be required to submit a portfolio or appropriate evidence of learning.
Prior learning may be acknowledged as accredited learning, non-accredited learning, informal or experiential learning. Accredited learning takes place in a formal learning setting and a qualification has been awarded. This may include a course or an element of a course you successfully completed, which is linked to the National Framework of qualifications. Non-accredited learning is learning that was deliberate but did not result in a qualification such as work experience or education courses. This may include education that was assessed but not included in the NFQ, e.g. professional certification programmes. Finally, informal or experiential learning is learning through life and work experiences. This is learning that is unintentional and the learner may not have acknowledged that this contributed to his or her knowledge, skills and competence: Please click here to read more.
If you are interested in obtaining a level 6 childcare course and think you may meet the above criteria to bypass the level 5 childcare course, we would advise that you contact our admissions team at or alternatively contact an educational consultant at (01) 685 5300. They will be happy to provide you with the information and guidance on the next steps to meet the entry requirements.