Disability Awareness Module
The purpose of the Disability Awareness module is to equip you with the knowledge, skill and competence in the models and types of disabilities and the legal and social structures and services in place to accommodate disabilities at national and community level and in the workplace.
Learning Outcomes
- Explore various definitions of disability, to include definitions outlined in Irish legislation
- Describe the various classifications of disability
- Outline the models of disability which provide theoretical underpinnings of disability studies, to include the medical model, the social model and the World Health Organisations International Classification of Functioning and Disability (ICF)
- Identify different types of disabilities, to include physical disability, learning disability, specific learning difficulties (SPLDs), mental illness, sensorial disabilities specifically visual impairment, hearing loss and speech difficulties and specific conditions including diabetes and epilepsy, explaining how these impact on the individuals quality of life
- Outline strategies to minimise the difficulties that specific disabilities may cause for individuals
- Examine the key requirements of employers, educational institutions and providers of public services in accommodating persons with disabilities as set down in Irish legislation
- Describe the functions of a range of organisations which have been established to develop and implement public policy and strategy in relation to disability in Ireland, to include specific government departments and state agencies
- Outline the main types of assistive technology that are available to persons with disabilities in education, training and employment
- Identify grant schemes and support mechanisms that employees with disabilities and employers of persons with disabilities can avail of
- Identify services available to enable persons with disabilities to access their legal rights and entitlements
- Explain how organisations providing services to persons with disabilities ensure quality of service and adherence to best practice
- Distinguish between the various models and approaches which are used in the education system to accommodate persons with disabilities
- Describe the prevalent models used in vocational and rehabilitative training to achieve outcomes for persons with disabilities
- Identify barriers to disability, both environmental and attitudinal
- Outline community interventions that are available to persons with disabilities
- Explore the impact of disability on the individual and society
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of current legislation as it pertains to disability
- Examine how employees with disabilities can be supported and accommodated in the workplace
- Reflect on own experience and perceptions of disability
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of various employment options open to persons with disabilities
- Evaluate rehabilitation and support strategies that are available to improve quality of life for persons with disabilities
- Analyse statistical data and research findings on disability
- Evaluate the quality of a sample of organisational policies and procedures as they pertain to disability
Assessment Method
- Assignment 50%
- Learner Record 50%

Total price is €295
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