Is QQI level 5 the same as FETAC level 5?
QQI is essentially the new FETAC and HETAC*, verifying these existing qualifications. Therefore, yes, a QQI level 5 is the same as a FETAC level 5. QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland, a QQI Award is the quality-assured qualification awarded for further and higher education and training in Ireland. The purpose of QQI is to promote the value, integrity, and credibility of Ireland’s further and higher education. If you have a level 5 FETAC, you can be assured this qualification is still valid.

Completing a level 5 QQI will provide the learner with a range of knowledge and skills in a specific subject. These credentials are intended to give a foundation in a specific field of study or train them for entry-level roles in various industries. At this level, learners can expect some theoretical ideas and abstract thought, with considerable depth in some areas. There are 10 levels of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). If you have an international qualification, the Global Fan is a useful reference guide, it illustrates NFQ, EFQ, and the QF-EHEA frameworks which demonstrate how the levels compare to each other.
Chevron College became one of QQI’s partnered providers in 2007, making it one of Ireland’s largest providers of QQI online learning courses. More recently, in 2022, the college secured a higher education status with QQI. This means learners can feel confident in the quality of education they are receiving, set to the standards guided by QQI. Employers will recognize a QQI-accredited course as an indication of the correct level of training and skills development. QQI is also internationally recognized, therefore this qualification is deemed acceptable in other countries.
The QQI level 5 accredited courses we offer include Early Learning and Care, Special Needs Assistant, and Healthcare. You can complete a level 5 minor award in healthcare (consisting of 2 modules, Care Skills, and Care of the Older Person) or the major Healthcare Support award (8 mandatory modules including Care Skills and Care of the Older Person). The major award enables you to work in an HSE setting, therefore increasing employment opportunities. Please click here for further information.