Career Opportunities with Chevron College

Chevron College is an equal opportunity employer with a commitment to diversity. Our mission is to create a vibrant and dynamic workplace fuelled by ingenuity and innovation, and is recognised as a highly regarded employer.

Chevron College is a multi award winning training provider, having won the prestigious EPA Business of the year award 2010, and has been shortlisted for Employer of the Year and Training Provider of the Year at the Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. Our employees are the key ingredient for the success of our organisation.

Chevron College is Ireland’s leading private employment services provider. Since 2005, we have supported in excess of 40,000 learners, job seekers and employers. One of our competitive advantages is in the calibre of trainers that we employ. Chevron College strive to employ the most highly qualified and real-world experienced trainers available in the Irish market. We are always interested in hearing from suitably qualified individuals nationwide.

When recruiting trainers we look beyond the technical skills and competencies to include attributes, traits and behaviours. This ensures the candidate is ideally suited to the training position. Predictive and psychometric testing also form part of our interview process. If you feel your skill set is ideally suited to deliver one of our training courses please submit your CV and references to

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