Work Experience Course Online
The purpose of the Work Experience course online is to develop the skills needed to enable you to utilise learning opportunities presented in the work environment, apply work skills to consolidate learning in the vocational area and understand how work is planned and organised at different levels in a specific vocational area. You will also develop critical awareness of the changing nature of work, set achievable goals for work experience and appreciate the importance of safety and welfare in the workplace. Alongside developing capabilities, both personal and vocational, to successfully meet challenges in the workplace, you will review career choices in light of your own aspirations, experience, abilities and available options. While exploring future employment opportunities.
Assessment Structure
- Learner Record 50%
- Skills Demonstration 30%
- Assignment 20%
Entry Requirements
National Vocational Certificate Level 4 OR Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences
Course Syllabus
- Personal and vocational skills audit
- Setting goals for work experience
- Preparing CVs and cover letters
- Completing application forms
- Equality in the workplace
- Rights and responsibilities of employers and employees
- Job finding skills
- Effective participation in the workplace
- Confidentiality
- Health & Safety practises
- Researching work organisations
- Evaluating personal performance
- Reflecting on the work experience placement

Total price of our Work Experience module is €295
- or easy pay instalments available