Literacy and Numeracy Module
The purpose of the Early Childhood Literacy and Numeracy module is to equip you with the knowledge, skill and competence to support early childhood literacy and numeracy in a specific Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) learning environment
Learning Outcomes
- Examine the concepts, theories and principles underpinning the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy in a specific ECCE setting
- Evaluate the main theoretical approaches and models that explain language and number acquisition in a specific ECCE learning context
- Devise lesson plans to enrich literacy and numeracy
- Guide children to practice their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes
- Assess a range of resources to support children’s language and number acquisition
- Assess how the environment promotes development of concept formation and abstract logical reasoning
- Organise a variety of observations to evaluate the learning of language and number in an ECCE setting
- Appraise own range of specialised skills and those of colleagues in meeting the literacy and numeracy needs of the child in an ECCE setting
- Evaluate own learning needs at a personal and professional level and assist others in identifying learning needs
- Manage tasks within the parameters of professional conduct including relations with parents, guardians, children and colleagues
Assessment Method
- Portfolio of Research 70%
- Practical Examinations 30%

Total price is €295
- or easy pay instalments available