What is NSLF?
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, has launched a pilot of a new Nurturing Skills Learner Fund (NSLF).
What is NSLF Aims? The NSLF aims to assist early years educators to pursue early learning and care (ELC) qualifications that have been approved by the Qualifications Advisory Board (QAB) while continuing to work in the sector.
Chevron College is an Approved Higher Education Institution for the Nurturing Skills Learner Fund Scheme for both our L7 and L8 Early Years programmes.
What is NSLF pilot?
The pilot Nurturing Skills Learner Fund scheme will fund a number of students to undertake QAB-approved Early Learning and Care degree programmes (at levels 7 or 8), with funding provided directly to the educational institutions, lowering the overall cost to those studying while working in the sector.
To minimise the barrier to participation, the pilot fund will meet 80% of the tuition fees and student contribution due by successful applicants, up to a maximum amount of €3,200. The remaining costs can be paid by the student or their employer, though a further 10% (€360) contribution will be refunded to the student six months after completion of each academic year, once they remain working in a ELC/SAC service and subject to the continuation of the NSLF pilot scheme.