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carer courses
Carer Courses 1024 810 Chevron College

Carer Courses

What is a carer for the elderly?

A carer for the elderly, or a healthcare assistant, is somebody who looks after elderly people in either their home or in a nursing home/day centre. A carer for the elderly has usually completed a Care Assistant course before taking up this position, in order to provide the quality care needed. A carer provides the people in their care with assistance in their daily lives, in order to allow them to live with their dignity and independence.

What are Care Skills?

Care Skills can be boiled down to equipping you with the knowledge, skill and competence to understand the personal care needs of someone in your care; learn practical skills in the area of individual personal care and needs, and to maintain a safe, healthy and hygienic environment. A Care Skills course aims to provide you with the above in order to gain employment in caring.


What is Care of the Older Person?

Care of the Older Person relates to and allows you to understand and identify the appropriate care practices that meet the needs of the older people on your care. These needs can relate to helping people with certain impairments and ailments. The purpose of caring for an older person is to provide them with comfort, empowerment, dignity, independence and most importantly respect when they are at their most vulnerable.

carer courses

What qualifications do I need to be a carer?

In order to be a carer, you will need, at the minimum a qualification in Care Skills and Care of the Older Person. This is a QQI Level 5 Minor award, and will allow you to learn and understand the necessary skills for caring for elderly and sick people, in both a home care setting, day care setting or nursing homes. If after completing a qualification in Care Skills and Care of the Older Person, you are looking to upskill, you can complete a QQI Level 5 Major Award in Healthcare. Obtaining this major award will let you gain the skills needed to work in nursing homes, day centres and hospitals.

level 5 childcare online
QQI Level 5 Childcare Online Course 1024 683 Chevron College

QQI Level 5 Childcare Online Course

QQI Level 5 Childcare Online Course


Many of our students who enrol onto our QQI Level 5 Childcare online course are starting off in their childcare career and are very interested in finding out more about the sector, relevant courses and jobs. This course is very popular with either people moving into further education for the first time, for people who wish to upskill, or those who want a change of career.

We have featured some of the frequently asked questions below:

What qualification do you need for Childcare?

In order to become a Childcare Practitioner, each learner would need to complete the QQI Level 5 Childcare Major Award. This award is crucial to understanding the basics of providing quality childcare. QQI Childcare Level 5 is the first stepping-stone to understanding and experiencing the legislation, policies and procedures needed to provide quality care. This award will allow you to work as a Room Assistant in any early years setting across Ireland. This position also allows for growth and progression that then leads onto obtaining a QQI Level 6 in Childcare.

What is a Level 5 in Childcare?

A Level 5 in Childcare is a QQI Qualification that allows you to work in any Early Childhood Setting as a Room Assistant. Level 5 is ideal for any learner interested in starting a career in childcare. Level 5 brings each learner through the basics of childcare and the legislation that supports it. Childcare Level 5 is also a perfect place for a learner who is looking for a fresh start or a career change. Completing QQI Level 5 Childcare is the pre-cursor to QQI Level 6 Childcare and beyond.

level 5 childcare online

What is a FETAC Level 5 in Childcare?

FETAC (The Further Education and Training Awards Council) was a former awarding body for further education in Ireland. FETAC disbanded in 2012 and became one of the constituents of QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland), which is the new statutory awarding body for Ireland. QQI provide Minor Awards and Major Awards, ranging from Level 1 through to Level 6. A FETAC Level 5 in Childcare therefore would equate to a QQI Level 5 in Childcare – different name, but same qualification!

What skills do you need for Childcare?

One of the best skills needed for working in Childcare, is good communication skills. You need to be able to work with the needs and wants of both the children in your care, their parents/caregivers, and your colleagues. Each Childcare Practitioner should also be kind, patient, observant, creative, caring and should also be able to take the initiative when needed.

What childcare qualifications do I need?

It is a regulation in childcare practices across Ireland, that each staff member should have at the minimum a QQI Level 5 in Childcare. This qualification will allow for you to work as a Room Assistant in any childcare setting, as well as an SNA in both Primary and Secondary. If you wish to either open up your own business, or work as a Room Leader, you must hold a QQI Level 6 in Childcare. This can also allow you to work as an SNA again in both Primary and Secondary.

If you hold both these awards and wish to progress onto Management in Childcare, you must hold either a Level 7 BA (Ord) Degree or a Level 8 BA (Hons) Degree in Childcare. This will allow you to work as a Room Leader and Manager of a childcare establishment. Once you have obtained a Level 8 (Hons) Degree in Childcare, you can then progress onto a Level 9 Masters, or you can go into teaching and gain your HDip.

level 5 childcare online

How can I work in Childcare?

If you wish to work in Childcare, the best place to start is by obtaining your QQI Level 5 in Childcare. This course is very popular with either people moving into further education for the first time, for people who wish to upskill or those who want a change of career. This course covers all of the basics of childcare that each practitioner would need to know before gaining employment. It is also a regulation that every staff member in a childcare setting must have a minimum of a QQI Level 5 in Childcare in Ireland.

What jobs can you get with a Level 5 in Childcare?

By obtaining a QQI Level 5 in Childcare, you will be able to gain employment as both a Special Needs Assistant in both a Primary and Secondary School and as a Room Assistant in any Early Years Setting across Ireland.

What qualifications do you need to work in daycare?

To work in daycare, the course you are need to obtain is the QQI Level 5 in Childcare. This will let you work in entry-level positions as a Room Assistant. From here, you can move onto a QQI Level 6 in Childcare which will allow you to work as a Room Leader and allow you to open and run your own setting. You can also work ain daycare if you have a Level 7 or a Level 8 Degree in Childcare.

How do I become a creche teacher?

In order to become a creche teacher, you must first complete a QQI Level 5 in Childcare. This course will qualify you to work as a Room Assistant. This will then give you the experience needed to go onto pursue and upskill to a QQI Level 6 in Childcare. This course will then allow you to work as a Room Leader and to develop your own curriculums.

How do I become a preschool teacher in Ireland?

In order to become a Preschool Teacher in Ireland, you must first complete a QQI Level 5 in Childcare. This will allow you to work as a Preschool Assistant in any Crèche around Ireland. After completing your QQI Level 5 in Childcare, you can then move onto QQI Level 6 in Childcare. This course will then allow you to work as a Preschool Teacher in any crèche in Ireland.

preschool teacher

What careers are there in childcare?

In Childcare, there are many aspects of employment. You can work as a Preschool Teacher/Room Assistant/Leader, a Toddler/ Room Assistant/Leader and as a Baby Room Assistant/Leader. If you have a Childcare Major award completed, you can also work as a Special Needs Assistant in a Primary or Secondary School. If you have obtained a Degree level in Childcare, you can go onto Managing a crèche/Playschool. You can also move onto getting your HDip and becoming a Primary/Secondary School Teacher, or a Special Needs Teacher.

Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation 1024 576 Chevron College

Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation


Brian O’Sullivan will be leading Chevron Training’s “Counselling Approaches in Practice Settings” module (SSC212) in Stage Two of our BSc (Hons) Health & Social Care. Brian was interviewed on the RTE Radio 1 Ryan Tubridy Show talking about Parental Alienation, giving some great insights into this area. You can hear Brian’s interview below:

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