Leading & Managing Partnerships in the Early Years

Leading & Managing Partnerships in the Early Years Course

Training aim

  • To provide students with an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the early years leader and manager
  • To critically examine the theoretical perspectives influencing the leadership and management of early years provision
  • To enable critical analysis of the concepts and systems which contribute to the quality of leadership and management within early years provision
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of how to lead and manage an early years setting
  • To develop an understanding of multi-agency working

Main topics of study

  • Overview of the national and local early years policies and political frameworks which govern early years provision (this will be within the UK for on-campus students and within the local region for online learners)
  • Leadership and hierarchy in early childhood settings: exploring assumptions about leadership, and about collective management, in relation to various settings within and across countries
  • Communication styles and networking, relating to various kinds of audiences
  • Motivation, morale and satisfaction
  • Roles and responsibilities of the early years leader and manager
  • Leadership and management issues, such as resource management; financial management; planning, multi-agency working and implementing change strategies
  • Factors influencing the leadership and management of an early years setting
  • Equal opportunities issues and relevant legislation, such as race
  • The development and maintenance of partnership with children, parents and other professionals
  • Leading early childhood provision in practice: leading the curriculum, leading and supporting transitions
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