Multi-modal Learning in Early Childhood

Multi-modal Learning in Early Childhood Course

Training aim

  • To introduce students the concept of multi-modality, and investigate the importance of incorporating a highly multi-modal environment within the early years
  • To investigate the use of multi-modal approaches to support the learning of language and literacy

Main topics of study

  • Multi-modal perspectives on learning and development
  • Definitions of literacy and multi-modal learning
  • Supporting children’s narratives and expression of learning through, symbolic representation with creative arts and digital technologies
  • 7 foundations of literacy
  • Reflections on ‘personal literacies’
  • Literacy in the early years
  • Literacy-rich learning environments
  • ‘Incidental’ literacy
  • Music, movement and memory
  • Cultural literacies
  • Working with parents
  • The nature of narrative and emergent literacies
  • Supporting and extending reading and writing in the early years
  • The needs of bilingual and multilingual children and families
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