Online Study Requirement Statement

Are you Ready for Online Study?

Learners with Chevron Training are able to study at a time that suits them.  They can learn new skills and study for a QQI award (or even an honours degree), fitting this around their work, family and social life.

Online study offers flexibility but there are some challenges too.  You need to be motivated to succeed.  We are committed to helping all our learners so check out the five skills below to see if online learning suits you:

Computer skills – you will need to be able to find your way around a laptop or PC and also have some basic computer skills such as word processing, email and internet searches. As a Chevron learner you will be able to access and download course content from our LearnUpon learning space.  Some of the course content can be viewed on a tablet but you will need a suitable laptop or PC when it comes to writing up coursework in MS Word or similar.

IT requirements to study online with Chevron College

  • Operating System:
    • Windows: Windows 10 or Windows 11 (64-bit)
    • Mac: macOS 10.14 Mojave or later
  • Processor:
    • Windows: 1.6 GHz or faster dual-core processor
    • Mac: Intel processor
  • Memory (RAM):
    • Windows: minimum 4 GB RAM, recommended 16 GB and higher
    • Mac: minimum 8 GB RAM, recommended 16 GB and higher
  • Internet speed:
    • High-speed, stable internet connection preferably a wired Ethernet connection. Minimum speed of 10 Mbps

English language skills – if you haven’t completed either your primary or secondary education through English then you will need to take a quick test of your English comprehension and writing skills. This is done online and only takes a short time, with the results being emailed straight to your inbox.Communication skills – you will have ‘one-to-one’ support from a tutor by phone or email so don’t be afraid to ask questions if you find some of the course material a bit of a challenge. You will also participate in our online discussion forum, sharing your ideas and developing your knowledge alongside other learners.  This online interaction is different to messaging by text or social media so remember to use appropriate language with correct grammar.  Also, show proper respect and courtesy to both tutors and other learners on the course.

Effective time management – online learning offers great flexibility but you need to ensure that you make time for study within your personal schedule. Once you have access to your course on LearnUpon, start planning your time by taking a quick look at the learning goals for the programme.  Make a note of these goals and draw up a schedule for when you will study these – and try to stick to the plan!  Set up a “To do” list for each week and you will get a great sense of achievement checking items off the list each day as you complete your goals.

Planning and motivation – our top learners tell us that the key to success is self-discipline and forward planning. What are your personal reasons for wanting to study your chosen course?  You need to be self-motivated as progress will be down to your own efforts.  Make sure that your family and friends support you by leaving you free to study at the times you set out in your study plan.  You also need to organise your own study space in a quiet zone, with good seating and lighting.  Also, turn off the TV and put the mobile onto ‘silent’ mode to avoid distractions.

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